Ka Gold Jewelry

eco special on mother earth pendants at Ka Gold Jewelry, click here to read about it and order direct from the goldsmith himself.

Mother Earth Pendant description

The mother earth pendant was created to express and strengthen the connection between us, humanity and the only home we have, Earth. The four circles crossing eachother are part of the sacred geometry structure known as the SEED OF LIFE. The full structure is composed from seven intersecting circles which contain the basic mathematical laws of existence. The four intersecting circles are known as the Third Day of Genesis when according to the biblical story the oceans, the lands, the trees and the plants were created...

Hanging from the bottom of the pendant is a smaller medallion on which is engraved the question in Hebrew - “will you change it?” ("HATESHANU") This word is mentioned in the Biblical Code and although opinions vary as to the veracity of the Code, it did succeed in prophesying different historical events such as mass wars and the murder of Prime Minister Rabin. It is interesting to note that when texts in the Bible Code foresee such events, next to the section always appears the question “will you change it?” The future is not fixed; rather it is composed of almost an infinite number of possibilities, each one of which leads to a different possible future. 

Around the word “will you change it?” is a passage from the prophet Isaiah “Say the letters backwards” which can be interpreted in two ways – tell or read the events backwards – in other words reveal future, or read the letters from the end to the beginning. It is fascinating to note that below the passage appear two words written from the end to the beginning “change the time”.

The future of Mother Earth and the destiny of humanity are in the hands of each one of us!

1 comment:

  1. http://www.ka-gold-jewelry.com/p-products/mother-earth-pendant-silver.php?ref=2676
