In a news conference last March, she said: “I opted for convenience to use my personal email account, which was allowed by the State Department, because I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two.”
During a Democratic debate on March 9, she acknowledged using poor judgment but maintained she was permitted to use her own server: “It wasn’t the best choice. I made a mistake. It was not prohibited. It was not in any way disallowed.”
During a Democratic debate on March 9, she acknowledged using poor judgment but maintained she was permitted to use her own server: “It wasn’t the best choice. I made a mistake. It was not prohibited. It was not in any way disallowed.”
Re read the first paragraph above
I opted for- this is Hillary's decisionto break the laws she knew existed.
which was allowed - hillarys interpretation because staff were trying to get her to stop using her personal blackberry for state business. Staff could not get her to stop using it.
She kept maintaining she was permitted or allowed and what she is really saying is the state department knew full well she was breaking the laws regarding records and state owned information, and allowed or permitted her to do it, and not only that, her private foundation , jointly owned with a former impeached president, now had not just copies of state department records, but original emails on their corporate servers. And Hillary deleted 35,000 of them and handed over 50,000. Only the corporate archivist, in this case the state department of the united states of america' duly appointed record keeper by law, can authorize the destruction of state records.......whether on her server or the state departments server.
The state department is as guilty as clinton in destroying secret documents of the government and concerning mega energy and oil deals behind the publics back.
The state department is as guilty as clinton in destroying secret documents of the government and concerning mega energy and oil deals behind the publics back.
Clinton , as an employee or representative of the government, does not own the i formation. Therefore, if russian servers ping or hack her servers, she now becomes a spy.....and the espionage act comes into play.
Thats 85,000 top secret documents on the servers of the Clinton Foundation a private corporation like the eugenist Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Now, Bill Clinton has served two terms as president. By law thats it. But, if Hillary is elected, Bill becomes secretary of state, at hillarys appointment of him, and viola, hes now in line for a third term if she dies or is impeached.
Because of enron, which happened one month after 9/11, all presidential files are sealed in the united states.
Bill clinton was involved politically with Ken Lay of Enron....As was George Bush, who being an oil magnet, saw Enron as a threat because their game was electricity and natural gas, and their very own stock market to sell every energy commodity on the planet.....
Now Enron and Arthur Anderson shredded information and Ken Lay faced several years in jail....but he died before hitler, him and his wife linda have disappeared from the news.....
And any refrence to hillary doing her job as secretary of state like general collin powel did, meaning using personal emails and blackberries, should include this refrence of the clinton connection to the state department in 2006, by the clintons.
Author Of Enron Book Says CBS REMOVED References To Clinton Administration In TV Movie
Media Research Center via E-Mail | Janurary 7, 2003 | Brent Baker
Posted on Tue Jan 07 2003 08:39:39 GMT-0500 (EST) by PJ-Comix
Update: The author on whose book CBS based its movie about Enron revealed that the movie's producers removed his references to the Clinton administration.
As reported in the January 6 CyberAlert, CBS's Sunday night movie, The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron, got in a few very straight shots at the company's ties to the Bush administration, but made no mention of links to the Clinton team or financial support of any Democrats. In addition to several references to Ken Lay meeting with President Bush and Vice President Cheney, the TV movie superimposed images of left-wing actor Mike Farrell, who played Lay, into photos with the real George H.W. and George W. Bush, as well as Cheney.
Alert CyberAlert reader David Fite alerted me to how Brian Cruver, the Enron employee on whose book, Anatomy of Greed: The Unshredded Truth From an Enron Insider, the CBS movie was based, told the Houston Chronicle that by focusing solely on the company's ties to the Bush administration the movie distorted his first-hand recounting.
The January 2 Chronicle quoted Cruver: "In the book, as far as connections to the Bush administration, to me it was a bipartisan corruption, and I have as much information in the book about connections to (Bill) Clinton as (George W.) Bush.
ENRON......The Movie. Why is electricity and energy so high in cost? Because of Enron.... and the smartest guys in the room..... watch and weep......because if clinton gets elected, the world is in trouble. Big time. And president Kennedy is rolling in his grave at just what has become of the democratic process in america.
- "BERNIE OR BUST For 2016"
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